While many of my friends are heading to different parts of the US to enjoy antiquing and creative networking, I am going back to College to take photography classes this Fall.
Over the last four years, my photography passion has led to a whole new career path for myself which was quite unexpected but exciting. Working with some amazing publications and having my articles, photo styling and photography actually come to life in pages has been wonderful. Most everything I know about the art of photography has been self taught but I came to realize there is a ton I don't know and must find out if I want to improve. This Summer I was lucky to actually work with two incredible commercial photographers and came away feeling that my self taught technique was not too bad but it left me wanting to learn more.
I have to also say how much I really appreciate all the beautiful comments you continue to leave in regard to my photography~ it means the world to me! I have compiled a list of questions and answers that I have received regarding my photography techniques that I hope can maybe help you as well~
1. What kind of camera do you use~ Canon, Canon, Canon with a little Nikon sprinkled in....Let me explain, I started with a lovely little Canon point and shoot several years ago and was a happy snapper. Then my kids started doing more sporting events so I decided to dip my toe in the Big Girl DSLR camera pond and bought a Canon Rebel~ WOW I thought I can zoom in on my son's face as he is rounding third base and sliding into home~I was hooked. I replaced the original Rebel with an upgraded version about the time I started the blog, then a couple of years later I bought the Canon 50 d and my whole head really started spinning with the capabilities of that camera. Last year I took the plunge and purchased my current Plus Size Big Girl Dream the Canon 5D 2 and must say it has been amazing to work with. Earlier in the year I was gifted with a Nikon d90 and it is yummy~ I really do get the Nikon Love that everyone talks about.
There are so many great brands available now, it is just a matter of finding one that is right for you and actually holding it in your hands to see if you like it.
2. What type of lenses do you use? Right now these are my very favorite and the ones I most frequently use for the Canon 5D 2~ 50mm 1.4 (super fast prime lens) 100mm Macro 1.8 IS (total infatuation) and my all purpose 24-105mm (incredible low light lens) In the end, it is not about the type of camera you have but more important, buy the best possible lens you can afford.
3. Do you use flash? Sometimes, usually interior or low light shots and I also use it for fill flash on bright sunny days when I need to add some light to my subject. I have a Canon Speedlite 580 ex 11 that I use on the 5d 2 that combined with a fast lens has saved me numerous times in really dark settings with no natural light. But with flash I try to bounce the light off of a ceiling or wall to get a more natural look.
4. What camera or shooting mode do you use? I shoot in Manual (M) mode probably 99% of the time and Aperture Priority (AP) the rest. If you only take away one tip from this post, it would be to learn how to shoot in Manual and it will change the look and feel of your photo's forever! Several years ago when I bought my first DSLR camera (one of the Rebels) I was scared to move that mode dial from auto to the "other side". Just too many things to know and boy was it confusing. I finally started slowly venturing over to the Manual mode and what that did was to force me into really learning my camera. So now I set all of my settings~ ISO, aperture priority, shutter speed, white balance etc. You bet I have had some awful photo's but Thank Goodness for that delete button:) Depending on what type of photo's and how you want to learn take it from me and try the Manual mode next time.
5. What type of photo editing software do you use? Photoshop Elements 8 and most recently I have been learning Lightroom 3 which combined with my Mac has opened up a whole new world of photo magic. But, unless I am trying to do something creative with one of my photo's I always try to get the best possible straight out of the camera image I can. So I crop with my feet (move in closer to the subject) and find the right light to get a good exposure right out of the box.
Here is a SOOC (straight out of camera) photo that I shot with a wide open aperture letting in lots of light and blurring the background, in the process getting a sun flare off of the flower.
Same photo but I edited slightly using Photoshop Elements 8 and just bumped up the color curves slightly~just a subtle pop.
I must say there are so many bloggers that do such inspirational photography~ aren't we lucky to be able and view such talent? Ahhh, love the internet!
Wish me luck as I go back to College, it's been a few years:))